How to read the analysis
Each question posed to the SME panel is analyzed and presented on a page displaying the answer statistics and analysis. Each analysis page is followed by an insights page that reveals representative SME quotes that illustrate their reasons for answering as they did.

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SME consensus is measured in two ways, depending on the question type.
If the question response categories followed a Likert scale, the platform calculates the consensus measure using the arithmetic mean.
In the case of non-Likert scales, the platform calculates the consensus measure using the majority of SME responses.
The consensus threshold is set at 55%. Thus, the group stability measure, whether the coefficient of variation or percentage function, needs to exceed 55% to achieve a “consensus” ranking.

Group stability is the strength of the consensus measure.
For Likert scale questions, the platform measures group stability using the coefficient of variation.
For non-Likert scale questions, the platform measures group stability using a percentage function.
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How to read analysis: SME insights
Comments are organized and are representative of the SME answers on the previous page. They represent SME views on:
• Consensus picks
• Non-consensus picks
• Dissenting answers
Please note that the quotes have been slightly edited for spelling and grammar.

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