FMJ Advertising

FMJ, IFMA’s official magazine, is written by and for professionals who develop and maintain productive workplaces. It is the only industry publication that draws on the collective knowledge of IFMA’s highly connected global network of FM thought leaders to deliver insights on current and upcoming facility management trends. FMJ subscribers include experienced facility leaders and decision-makers from multinational organizations at the top of their respective fields, such as 3M Company, General Electric, Ikea, Nike and more.

FMJ by the Numbers
average unique page views per issue
7.3 sessions (average)
per online reader
10 minute (average)
per online issue
Twitter (@TheFMJ) followers and growing
FMJ Circulation
22,000 (74% U.S., 26% global)

About FMJ
► Only industry publication that draws on collective knowledge of IFMA’s highly connected global network of FM thought leaders.
► Internationally recognized and industry-trusted for over 30 years, FMJ sets the bar for FM publications.
► Articles offer practical takeaways and global best practices to help FMs optimize facilities.
► Distributed six times a year in print and online.
► Digital version includes additional articles, videos, podcasts and more.
► New issues are emailed to all 22,000 IFMA members each January, March, May, July, September and November with two emails per issue.
► Articles are featured weekly on homepage, in IFMA Insider news briefs and shared via social media

Readers and Reach
50% of FMJ readers have been in the FM industry more than 20 years
42% of FMJ readers are exclusive decision-makers for FM purchases
Additional Exposure
Social Media
FMJ Twitter: 8,033 followers
IFMA Twitter: 22,650 followers
IFMA LinkedIn: 46,740 followers
IFMA Facebook: 13,023 followers
2 email blasts per issue
Average Open Rate: 29.8%
Average CTR: 8.3%
Articles featured in IFMA Insider
16,400+ subscribers
Represents a cross-section of the FM industry
Click rate and open rates are double the industry average

Submit Articles to FMJ
FM professionals are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with the worldwide FM community by writing an article for IFMA's FMJ magazine. Article submissions are accepted year-round – simply choose a topic from the editorial calendar and follow our article submission guidelines.
For more information, contact the FMJ Editor, Bobby Vasquez.
2023 FMJ Magazine Standard Ad Rates*
All listed net rates in U.S. dollars.

Size & Frequency
2-Page Spread
Full page
1/2 page
1/3 page
1/4 page
*NOTE: These prices are for promotional content that contains 60% or more graphic display and 40% or less text. Advertorial content and similar product, service, or brand-oriented articles are available by special arrangement only. Please contact IFMA’s Expo and Advertising Team at or by calling +1-713-623-4362.
Added value:
► Ad placement in the digital magazine at no additional cost.
► One complimentary listing by business category in ad index in both print and digital magazine, which includes your company website and one social media handle.
► Live hyperlinks to your website (both on your ad and in ad index) in digital magazine.
► Complimentary 500-character profile with company logo and social media handle in special section of digital magazine.
► Recognition on FMJ section of IFMA website and via IFMA’s robust social media channels.
► Complimentary competitive separation (as requested).
Special Advertising Opportunities
All rates listed in U.S. dollars.
Premium Positions
Stand out from fellow advertisers by securing prime placement! Premium positions ensure high visibility and include: back cover, inside back cover, opposite inside back cover, inside front cover, and opposite inside front cover.
Email Sponsor
(Exclusive–only one per issue)

Leverage exclusivity by sponsoring the FMJ announcement emails! Each new edition is emailed to IFMA’s members twice, providing issue highlights, article summaries, magazine tooltips, and more.
Sponsorship includes a 600px x 150px banner ad.

Digital Sponsor
When you sponsor the FMJ digital edition, your company will be one of the first ads readers see when they open their digital copy. Your message will be prominently displayed directly across from the cover of the magazine. A digital ad is the same specification as a print ½-page ad.
Advertorial Content
4-page: $13,000 | 2-page: $6,700
Have more you'd like to share? Advertorials are an exclusive opportunity to dive deeper in sharing what FMs need to know about your organization. Only one advertorial will be available per issue and included in both the digital and print editions.

Editorial Calendar
Below is a snapshot of the FMJ Editorial calendar for 2023. View the full editorial calendar on

January/February 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, November 5, 2022
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, November 11, 2022
FM 101
► Managing visitor safety in flexible space
► Everyday O&M
► Keeping your great outdoors great
► FM Budgeting
► Strengthening the links in the supply chain
March/April 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, January 13, 2023
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, January 23, 2023
► The future of sustainability
► Choosing the right ways to reuse, recycle and upcycle
► Cleaning Green
► Selling sustainability to the post-pandemic C-Suite
► Sustainability & the hybrid workspace
May/June 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, March 3, 2023
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, March 10, 2023
Risk Management + Health & Safety
► Security in the hybrid workplace
► Ongoing IAQ
► What is a healthy workplace?
► Disaster recovery and business continuity
► Renovating with risks in mind
► Implementing a workplace safety plan
► Visitor management
► Using a safer outside to make a safer inside
July/August 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, May 5, 2023
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, May 12, 2023
► Raising your AI IQ
► Security in the hybrid workplace
► Maximizing your IoT
► Building employee/visitor trust in tracking systems
► Evolving PropTech
► Using technology to connect multigenerational teams
► Protecting the data center
September/October 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, June 30, 2023
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, July 14, 2023
We Are FM
► Why FM matters
► DE&I staffing
► FM's role in ESG reporting
► Managing the FM team
► Succession planning – get ahead of the loss of knowledge
November/December 2023
Article Submission Deadline
Friday, September 1, 2023
Ad Reservation & Art Materials Deadline
Friday, September 15, 2023
Real Estate & Property Management + Occupancy
► Noise mitigation
► Managing operational space
► Amenities – which ones are important again?
► The new lobby – what is it?
► Safety in FM storage, freight elevators and pathways
► Designing spaces workers choose to be in
► Parking lot/garage strategies – what to do with unused space?